Cell therapy cures diabetes in landmark Chinese study M Haris

ISLAMABAD: In a significant medical breakthrough on Tuesday, Chinese scientists have successfully cured a patient of diabetes using cell therapy, marking a first in the field.

This development is seen as a beacon of hope for diabetes sufferers around the globe and underscores the potential of international collaboration in pushing the boundaries of medical science.

Dr. Nauman Niaz, a noted Diabetologist and Endocrinologist based in Islamabad, commented on the potential implications of this achievement. “Pakistani and Chinese scientists can greatly benefit from mutual knowledge exchange to further diabetes research and improve patient care,” he said.

Dr. Niaz explained the scientific process behind the therapy, “The Chinese team utilized islet-like cells derived from human stem cells to regenerate pancreatic islet tissue, essential for insulin production.” He suggested that similar stem cell research could be pivotal in evolving diabetes treatments, including islet transplants.

The study also explored a novel chemical cocktail capable of transforming stem cells into essential tissues like brain, muscle, kidney, and pancreatic cells, offering a new avenue for treatment approaches.

Dr. Niaz urged Pakistani scientists to investigate these methods to develop effective diabetes treatments locally.

Pakistan faces a dire diabetes epidemic, with over 33 million people, or more than 26% of the adult population, diagnosed with the condition. Additionally, 11 million adults are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT). The primary contributors to the rising diabetes rates in Pakistan include obesity and high sugar consumption.

Medical experts are calling for immediate and comprehensive strategies to combat this escalating health crisis.

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