NATO Chief Stoltenberg warns China to face consequences for aiding Russia M Haris

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged the Western to ensure China faces consequences for supporting Russia while stressing that a continuous supply of weapons to Ukraine is crucial to ending the war.

His comments came during a visit to Washington to prepare for NATO’s 75th anniversary summit next month.

Stoltenberg accused China of exacerbating the conflict by aiding Russia’s defence industry and criticised President Xi Jinping for attempting to avoid sanctions while maintaining trade with the West.

“Beijing cannot have it both ways. At some point — and unless China changes course — allies need to impose a cost. There should be consequences,” Stoltenberg said at the Wilson Center.

China denies sending lethal assistance to either side, unlike the United States and other Western nations.

Beijing avoided a recent summit in Switzerland where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reiterated demands for Russia to withdraw from Ukrainian territory.

Stoltenberg also emphasised the need for long-term military backing for Ukraine.

“The more credible our long-term support, the quicker Moscow will realize it cannot wait us out,” Stoltenberg said, adding that “the path to peace is more weapons for Ukraine.”

The US Congress recently approved $60 billion in new military funding for Ukraine, following delays caused by political disputes and opposition from some Trump allies.

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