Public-facing apps are major cyberattack targets: report M Haris


Compromising public-facing applications remains the most common method of cyberattacks, with one-third of these attacks exploiting known vulnerabilities, according to the latest Kaspersky Incident Response report 2023. Alarmingly, over half of these vulnerabilities were discovered in 2021 and 2022. This attack vector was found in 42.37% of cases.

Public-facing applications are crucial for businesses to interact with customers, partners, and stakeholders. These digital storefronts, including websites, APIs, and web services, provide essential services and information worldwide. However, Kaspersky’s latest report reveals that these applications are the primary attack vector for cybercriminals infiltrating victim systems. In response, cybersecurity experts are issuing guidelines to help businesses remain resilient.

Highlighting the cybersecurity risks of public-facing applications, Konstantin Sapronov, Head of the Global Emergency Response Team at Kaspersky, stated, “As organisations increasingly rely on public-facing applications to drive digital engagement, the cybersecurity risks associated with these platforms have never been higher. Incidents such as data breaches and malware infections can have devastating consequences for businesses and their customers.”

Public-facing applications are software applications or services accessible to external users over the internet, unlike internal-facing applications used within an organisation’s network. These applications, such as e-commerce platforms, customer portals, social media networks, and online banking systems, serve various purposes and are designed to be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

The press statement outlines several cybersecurity dangers associated with public-facing applications, including data breaches, malware infections, phishing attacks, Structured Query Language injections (SQLi), cross-site scripting, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Successful cyberattacks on these applications can lead to data breaches, exposing confidential information and resulting in financial losses.

“By understanding the cybersecurity risks and implementing proactive security measures, organisations can enhance their resilience against cyber threats, safeguarding their digital assets and reputation in today’s interconnected world,” stressed Sapronov.

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